Friday, December 18, 2009

Here's Another One

Can you BEEEE-LIEVE this? A miniature gingerbread house on the side of a cup of cocoa? Oh My! Where do these people find the time? Maybe in a previous life I might have done something like this or maybe in a lifetime after this one.....But, right now, it AIN't happenin'. If you come to my house for hot cocoa, you will be lucky first of all, if I even have any hot cocoa and second, I might (and that'a big might) give you some miniature marshmallows to go on top.

However, I do have the next two weeks off so who knows. Maybe I'll make a couple dozen of these little treats. LOL They are AWFULLY cute!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Hip, Hip, Hooray!

DD and I just, and I mean JUST, finished up Algebra for the 1st semester. YIPPEE!!! Did you hear the shouting?!?! What a relief to be done with that! It's been a struggle all the way through, but she's finally getting it. Maybe now I can have a life (at least until January) LOL.

It is not my custom to allow TV viewing during Algebra time because DD is VERY EASILY DISTRACTED, especially when she's having to do something she doesn't want to be doing in the first place. However, tonight I made the one-time exception so that we could watch Susan Boyle on TV Guide Network. We watched her video on YouTube several months ago as she auditioned for Britain's Got Talent so we knew she was a wonderful singer. During the show tonight, they didn't actually ever show her singing the song, but I kept hearing clips of "Wild Horses" by the Rolling Stones. Don't throw rotten tomatoes at me, but I'm not a real big fan of the Rolling Stones. However, I am familiar with this song and I knew it wasn't the Rolling Stones singing it on the show...I could at least tell that much. So I went to my trusty dumbputer and looked it up on YouTube. WOW! Susan Boyles version of "Wild Horses" BLOWS the Stone version outta the water! You HAVE to listen to it. Click here and turn up the volume: WILD HORSES.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Too Much Time........

OK, so I haven't been here in awhile to post. I've been busy. VERY BUSY.

But, I had to share this one. I'm all for creativity in all things, but this is just TOO much. I think someone has WAY too much time on their hands. She makes her own stencils to design the top of coffee and lattes. Oh My.......

Click here Do It Yourself Coffee Stencils to see how you can make some for yourself. And, if you have the time for that then please swing by this way to help me out. I'm buried in files.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Well, no wonder I've been feeling so awful. Tuesday I could stand the pain in my mouth no longer and miraculously got into a dentist. I had a root canal done Tuesday evening....Yes, evening! I walked out of there at 7:30 p.m. in the pouring, record setting rain.

Anyway, I had a bacteria infection in one of my molars. So, in addition to the viral thing going on in my body with Shingles, I also had a bacteria thing happening. No wonder I felt bad.

I have added two more prescriptions to the mini-pharmacy on my desk to fight all of these cooties.

What fun..........NOT! My mouth is now trying to recover from the root canal trauma.

The good news....I've lost 5 lbs!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

What? Another Wordless Month?

I really do have a good reason for the lack of posting.



Wanna see?

This nasty little rash on the back of my right arm is SHINGLES! Yuck! Ouch! And, DOUBLE OUCH!!!!

I've been sick and in pain for 3 weeks with this awful crud which is actually Chicken Pox come back to life a hundred years after the first round. OK, not really a hundred years, but it has been well over 30 years since I had the chicken pox.

The rash covers just a small area, but it's ugly. It itches. It's annoying. But most of just plain HURTS! And, it hurts well beyond the area of the we're talking my whole arm. Plus, it's made me VERY sensitive to light causing HORRIBLE headaches (and I don't usually get headaches). Even the light from my computer screen causes pain....which is a BAD thing considering I'm a "virtual" school teacher. I turned the brightness down on my monitors, but that didn't help much. I had to resort to wearing sunglasses over my reading glasses just to work.

See.....Ain't it pretty? NOT!

What? I'm smiling? Yep, what else can I do? DD says that she doesn't hear me complaining about the pain very much, but what good would it actually do for me to complain. It sure as heck wouldn't make it go away. So, I just smile.......

And, sleep......Well, there isn't much of that happening. The doctor gave me Prednisone for the rash and it's keeping me up. UGH!

Speaking of the doctor.......She says this could go on for a couple of months. A COUPLE OF MONTHS!!!!! It could literally be Thanksgiving or *gasp* Christmas before I'm finished with this mess.

Let me tell you, "There ain't enough Calgon in the world to take me away from all this, but I sure wish there were."

Monday, September 14, 2009

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Wordless Month????.......and Shirt Refashion

HA!HA!HA! Didn't mean for Wordless Wednesday to turn into Wordless MONTH! LOL

The beginning of the school year (what we call "launch") is super hectic with 10-12 hour work days, 7 days a week. It's been crazy!

But, today I said to heck with work and finished refashioning this shirt for DD.

I started with this:

It was an old man's shirt (not like an "old man with a cane", but an "old" shirt that a man would wear - LOL).

I first took off the collar which left me with a stand up band-collar (sorry I don't know what those are called - maybe a mandarian collar?).

I took the breast pocket off, added a stripe of solid turqouise to the top of the pocket for accent and repositioned it on the lower right front of the shirt.

I cut a couple inches off each side seam to make it a little more fitted and curvey. Can't make it TOO fitted though as DD is still growing.

Then, I took off the sleeves. I shortened those and added the solid turquoise band at the bottom to make them more girly. (There is a thin turqouise stripe which runs through the plaid on the shirt.) When I reattached them, I did a little gathering at the shoulders.

Finally, I added a slightly gathered stripe of the turqouise on each side of the button placket to give it more color. (Well, actually it's main purpose was to cover up a spot that I couldn't get out.) I wanted it to be more ruffled and puckered, but after I had attached it, I wasn't about to take it back off.

I would have liked to cut the bottom to make it straight, but DD wanted me to leave it curved.

Here is the final refashion:

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Letter to the Construction Crew

Dear Road Construction Workers,

It is only Day 2 of your project, and I already have a couple questions for you.

1. Must you park at the end of the driveway and tell jokes and bellylaugh at 6:45 in the morning?!?! I'm glad that you are so happy to be at work, but could you please keep it down to a giggle for a little while.

2. Is it absolutely necessary to use the jackhammer at 7:23 a.m.?!?! My gosh that thing is loud!

I understand that you have a job to do so I don't mind you working. I'm already awake at those times anyway. But I really don't like loud noises until after about 8:00 a.m. and even that's pushing it, so could you please do your "quiet" activities until that time. I'd really appreciate it.

Thank you!


The wonderful neighbor living at the construction site.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Under Construction

This morning at 6:54 a.m. these signs where put up closing our road. And let me tell you, they were not quiet putting up those signs. Good thing I was already awake.

The road to our humble abode is under construction (until further notice or the rains come pouring down or they actually finish whatever it is they are doing out there.......). We now have to take a detour to get in and out of our home. Luckily, there is another paved road close by so with a few extra turns we can get here without having to go 4-wheelin'. Many places around here only have one way in and one way out.

I'm not for sure and for certain what the project is, but I've heard a rumor that they are putting in a traffic signal because of the new fire station they are building across the highway. Whatever they are doing, they sure are noisy!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Back to School

Today's the big day. DD starts high school!

Here she is. All ready to go.

But, I think she probably feels more like this.

Even though she's homeschooled, it's still a big deal. She's going to be doing a different program this year, and I'm no longer her "official, credentialed" teacher. She now has to answer to someone else besides me. And, "gasp", she's going to have to put her name on EVERY PAPER! That's something she hasn't done in two years. She's starting off the school year with a full schedule: Algebra 1, English 9, Cultures and Geography, Biology 1, Spanish 1, Art, PE, 7 Habits of Effectiveness, and Clarinet. She's going to be one BUSY gal!

And, I start back to work today. I will be in training sessions via the computer all week from 8:30 - 5:00 every day. I know there are changes that have been in the works over the summer so it will be interesting to see what my job will entail this year. I am almost certain that I will no longer have to travel to other areas to meet with my students. The other teacher that lived in town here moved away, and I'm supposed to be getting all of her students. It will be so nice to not have to spend so much time driving. No more singing, "On the road again....."

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Wardrobe Refashion

I've taken the pledge. The 2 month Wardrobe Refashion pledge that is.

What is "Wardrobe Refashion"?

Wardrobe Refashion was started by Nichola Prested after deciding to quit buying new manufactured clothing in a bid to do her part for the planet, save money and improve her sewing skills.

Those who take the pledge promise to not purchase new, manufactured clothing for the period of 2, 4, 6 months OR LIFE. They pledge to refashion, renovate, and recycle preloved items with their own hands in fabric, yarn or other medium or make their own from scratch.

Since I'm already doing this anyway because of my current financial situation due to the California budget crisis, I figured I'd take it one step further and take the pledge for 2 months to start. I can't afford to buy anything new anyway.

This round of the Wardrobe Refashion doesn't officially begin until September 1st, but I've already got my first project completed (I hope that's OK).

Remember my Thrifty Thursday post about the old white sheets? Click HERE.

You know I have zero money right now so when DD announced to me that she only had one shirt that still fit, I wasn't quite sure what we were going to do.

One white sheet, a little scrap fabric, a pattern from my collection, a few hours on the sewing machine and this is what we came up with.

I had to adapt the pattern a bit because the front was TOO low for Miss Modesty (aka DD) so I added the additional pink fabric at the top. I think it actually makes this top better by matching the band and ties. Oh, and I didn't have the right width elastic so I took apart a fitted sheet and used the elastic from that. Talk about a recycled and refashioned project!

DD loves it! I love it! It looks SO cute on her! I'd say this pattern is a keeper for us. It's adaptable with different types of sleeves from sleeveless to long sleeve and we can always do different lengths as well.

Friday, August 14, 2009

"I Can't Believe It!" Day

Today is a day full of "I Can't Believe It" moments.

Moment #1 - I can't believe it.....Today is the last day of my summer break already. I start back to work on Monday. (Need the money, but don't need the work - I'm sure you can relate. OR If you can't relate, at least you know what I mean, right?)

Moment #2 - I can't believe it....In addition to losing 10 weeks of income due to the state budget crisis, I'm now not getting my child support either. It seems that although the money very well may be sitting there in the state's account, the workers at Child Support Services were forced to take mandatory unpaid days off (furloughs) as well......SO, they are way behind on processing all the disbursements of payments. Now, while the state is making interest on all that money waiting to be sent to the proper accounts, lots of custodial parents and their children are going without. Thank you very much State of California!

Moment #3 - I can't believe it.....My bed, my actual bed, is pictured on The Nester's blog. What you don't know who The Nester is? She's only one of the most famous of all bloggers in blogland. She has a fabulous blog in which she tells all about how she turns her family's houses into homes. Yes, I did say houses. Not because she is super wealthy and has a residence in every state, but because she moves. She moves A LOT. So, she has wonderful ideas on how to spruce up a home, a rental home at that, which you may or may not know that you cannot do any permanent changes to for fear of the dreaded landlord having a fit. Anyway, MY bed is pictured on her blog. Wanna see it? Click here.

Well, it's not actually MY bed, the one that I lay my pretty head down in each night, but it is EXACTLY like my bed. I can't wait to see what she has planned for it in her new bedroom (they recently moved again). I'm sure I'll get some inspiration (aka ideas to steal).

Moment #4 - I can't believe it! My DD, My baby girl, My Buggerboo, is starting high school on Monday. How did that happen? She's only in 3rd grade and still wears cute little Gymboree clothes!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Thrifty Thursday and A Quote

A drawer of old white sheets:

An empty tin:


A clock:

What do all of these things have in common? Absolutely nothing. EXCEPT that they are all in the process of being "refashioned". We have three projects going on right now. Each of which started as one of the above pictured items.

Stay tuned to see what they each become as we continue in our thrifty ways.


And, only because I read this today, and it's too good to pass up, here is the

"Quote for the Day"

Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the
morning the devil shudders and says "Oh shoot, she's awake!" ~Unknown~

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Library Shelf: Didn't My Skin Used to Fit?

I'm not actually finished with this book yet, only half way through, but I just had to share something.

This book is a total spoof on life after forty, and it is HILARIOUS! Why? Because I can relate to it, if not from personal experience, then from the experience of those around me.

For instance, Chapter 16 is titled "Thanks for the Memory....Loss". The first paragraph on page 70 reads:

"What I don't get is why our memory has to go on the blink at a time when we're given so much to remember. Our doctors tell us to take three of one pill four times a day, four of another pill three times a day and one of yet another every ten hours for twelve days. How are we supposed to remember all that?......"

Well, I think Dear Ole Dad (DOD) has that one all figured out. Just look at this:

Yep, you're seeing it right. He's got alarm clocks lined up, set at different times throughout the day, with the pills he is supposed to take at said times on top of the appropriate alarm clock. Weird or Genius? Hmmmmmmmm..........

When I took this picture, I though weird, but it seems that Ms. Martha Bolton has been contemplating this very thing and put it in her book. LOL

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Thrifty Thursday - Cookie Mix

Did you know there is more than one Cookie Monster? Yes, the other one lives here in this very house. Maybe you have one too! And, those store bought cookies can get expensive (plus they're really not nearly as good as homemade anyway).

I like to have this cookie mix on hand to whip up a batch of cookies in a matter of minutes. While cookies aren't exactly the best thing for you, by making them yourself you not only save tons of money, but you can customize them with more wholesome ingredients (if you're so inclined).

Here is my recipe for a basic cookie mix. Then, you can make just a couple of additions to have 5 different varieties of scrumptious yummies. (HINT: We think the sugar cookies are the BEST!)


3 cups all purpose flour
1 1/2 cups sugar
1 cup brown sugar, firmly packed
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup shortening, preferably butter flavored Crisco

Combine all dry ingredients in a large bowl. Cut shortening with a pastry blender until mix resembles course meal.
Store in container with tight-fitting lid, even a ziploc bag will work. Makes about 8 cups.

HINT: I usually double or triple this recipe to have a lot on hand in my pantry.


2 cups Basic Cookie Mix
1 egg unbeaten
3 Tbs unsweetened cocoa
2 Tbs milk
1 Tbs vanilla extract

Bake on a well-greased cookie sheet at 350 degrees for about 12 - 15 minutes.

HINT: We haven't tried this yet, but they might be even better with some peanut butter chips or white chocolate chips and nuts.


2 cups Basic Cookie Mix
1 egg, beaten
1 Tbs milk
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 cup chocolate chips

Combine mix, egg, milk and extract. Add chips. Drop by spoonfuls onto a well-greased cookie sheet and bake at 350 degrees for about 10 minutes.


2 cups Basic Cookie Mix
1 egg, unbeaten
1 Tbs dark molasses
4 tsp ground ginger
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp baking soda

Combine all ingredients until well blended. Because of the molasses, these cookies tend to stick, so make certain cookie sheet is very well greased. Bake at 350 degrees for 12 - 15 minutes.


2 cups of Basic Cookie Mix
1/2 cup uncooked, old fashioned or quick rolled oats
1/2 cup raisins (optional - We don't like raisins so we leave them out - Unless we are making a batch to take to DMother.)
1/2 cup chopped nuts (optional - We love nuts so we put them in.)
1 egg, unbeaten
2 Tbs milk
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp vanilla extract

Combine all ingredients until well blended. Bake on well-greased baking sheet at 350 degrees for 12 - 15 minutes.


2 cups Basic Cookie Mix
1 egg, unbeaten
1 Tbs milk
1 tsp vanilla extract

Combine all ingredients until well blended. Refrigerate dough until well chilled, at least 1 hour. Then, using your hands, roll dough into small balls (if it gets too sticky, lightly spray your hands with non-stick cooking spray or rub them with canola oil). Drop the dough balls into a small bowl with sugar, turning to coat. Place on a well greased cookie sheet and bake at 350 degrees for 12 - 15 minutes.


~ These cookie recipes are supposed to make about 40 cookies. However, it truly all depends on the size you make them of course.

~ I have found with my current oven that 12 - 15 minutes is WAY TOO LONG. Check your cookies as they bake. We like ours soft so about 9 - 10 minutes seems to be about right.

~ The baked cookies freeze wonderfully. Make up a double or triple batch and keep them in your freezer for quick treats.


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Wordless Wednesday (With a PS)

P.S. Wordless Wednesday is interrupted with a few words to explain the current purpose of my Wordless Wednesday posts. All Wordless Wednesday pictures are taken by yours truly. I am attempting to improve my photography skills and this gives me a place to see my progress as well as inspiration to keep practicing.

Today's photos were taken traveling on the road from "the city" headed back towards home. No! I wasn't taking pictures as I was driving down the road at blazing speeds. I was stopped at road construction and decided to make good use of the time so I rolled down the window and started clicking away with the camera. (Aren't you relieved to hear that?)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Beans and Rice Time

Well, we knew it was coming sometime this summer with my losing 6 weeks of income in addition to the usual 4 weeks during summer. (Yes, for you math gurus, that's a total of 10 weeks with no pay.) Today was the day - beans and rice time.

This afternoon DD cooked up a big pot of beans (from scratch). I'm talking a BIG POT! Look at this thing. It's 10 1/2 inches tall. This is like they use in the army. She's serious about her beans!

Please excuse the beans on the stove top. She's also a very messy cook.

Her beans cooked for 2 1/2 hours until they were just to her liking. Then, it was time for her to mash them up and add the spices. While she was doing that, I made a very simple Spanish rice (though I didn't use nearly as big a pot as she did).

DD put rice in the bottom of her bowl, then a few HEAPING spoonfuls of beans (more like a shovelful), and topped it off with cheese. She was very proud of her masterpiece and she named it "Bean Surprise" (the surprise being the rice underneath).

I don't really care for beans that much. Well, actually, let's just say NOT AT ALL! So, I had a bowl of rice. And, just to make DS happy that I didn't have a meal of only starch/carb, I added a bit of shredded cheese (protein) to the top as well.

It's not that there is anything wrong with beans and rice. DD loves beans, and I love rice. It's just a family joke that it's come to this. (Hey, at least we still have toilet paper - 2 fulls rolls and 2 half rolls at this point in time.)

Sunday, August 2, 2009

I've Been Slimed

DD and I just went down to the garage to put some things away. After the snake experience from earlier this year, we always make a thorough look-through before entering. Upon opening the door, DD spotted a little frog.

She decided that she wanted to catch the thing (I often wonder about that girl). In it's attempt to get away from the giant trying to trap it, the creature jumped right on my foot and scared the bejeebers out of me. I let out a scream (good thing the neighbors are away on a camping trip). DD thought is was hilarious. I thought it was horrifying! I've been SLIMED! EEEEWWWWW!!!!!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Thrifty Thursday - A New Slip

First, I just found out that the Salvation Army Thrift Store that I go to in the "city" has 50% off all clothing on every Wednesday and Friday. While that might not be exciting to some, I'm thrilled. Why? Because I love thrift stores ALMOST as much as I love libraries and craft/fabric stores. Also, this same store marks clothing down to 50% if it has been in the store for more than 7 days. The tags on the clothing are marked with the day they are received so it's pretty easy to figure out. Say, you find a wonderful skirt that is marked $3.30. The date is June 26 on the tag, and the date that you find this skirt is July 22. Well, that brings it to $1.15. Then, July 22 just happens to be a Wednesday so another 50% off that and your final purchase price for a new-to-you skirt is 0.58. That's right - 58 cents! Yippee for me! Now to convince DD that it's really alright to buy clothes at the thrift store again. (She's kind of burned out on the whole thrift store experience due to her mother's overzealousness during her younger years.)

On to the main "Thrifty Thursday" feature of the day:

I have a couple longer dresses and my "new-to-me" skirt from the above example. They are great for summer as they are flowy and cool. But, I have a problem. In the sunlight, you can see right through them.

Enter the half slip. The half slip solves the peep show problem...sort of. You see, my half-slip is above the knee so it looks really funky when you stand in the sun and can still see through the bottom half of the skirt. Plus, it's nylon (or some other equally synthetic fabric). Not a good fabric for summer comfort.

I have no money to buy a new slip so I think to myself, "How hard could it be to make one?" So that's what I did. I found some instructions online. I went to my beautifully organized fabric stash and pulled out an old, ivory-colored sheet (perfect for summer because it's cotton). I had some elastic in my sewing notions basket just waiting to be made into a waistband. Then, it was just a matter of a couple cuts with the rotary cutter, some pinning, a few runs through the sewing machine, and VOILA a new half slip perfect for my longer skirt/dresses and summer-time heat.

My favorite part is the lace trim. It's from my inheritance from one of my Grandmas. It's so pretty!

New half slip for FREE!!!!

AND, it was so easy I think I may make myself a skirt or two using these same instructions. Different fabric, of course! Maybe even a colorful sheet if I find one on my next thrift store scavenge.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Library Shelf - Knit Two

It's been awhile since I have posted what's on The Library Shelf. Not because I haven't been reading. Quite the opposite. I'm in the process of reading SEVEN, yes SEVEN, books! I had to put myself on restriction from the library until I get them finished. Since the library is one of my favorite places in the entire world, that is quite a punishment for me. Even if I don't actually "need" any more books, I like to go there just to visit them.

SO, last night I finished one of the books.

I was so upset when I finished reading this author's "The Friday Night Knitting Club" because I just didn't think it was fair to leave us hanging like that and end the book. So, I was thrilled that she wrote this sequel. And, it's GOOD! We get to follow the members of the Friday Night Knitting Club of the Manhattan Walker & Daughter knitting shop as they rely on each other as they struggle with new challenges.

I can't say anything so as not to give away the story, but if you liked the first one, you'll love this one too!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Yosemite - Go Sit on a Rock!

For DD's 14th birthday on July 17th, DSis, DD and I went to Yosemite. Yes, you read that right, on the 17th AND it's now already the 27th (almost the 28th) and I'm just now posting these pictures. Better late than never, huh?!?! You've actually already seen this first one because it is the picture from last week's Wordless Wednesday post.

We left bright and early at 7:00 a.m. in order to beat the traffic, tour busses and the heat, and to maybe get through the gate before the rangers arrived so we wouldn't have to pay the entrance fee. Shucks, darn! We didn't beat any of them.

Once we reached Yosemite Valley, our first stop was Bridalveil Falls. Here's a shot I took looking up through the trees from the trail. It's my favorite picture of the day.

Here, I am with John Muir! I can't believe I hiked all that way, and then found him on the trail. And, he was wearing the BEST boots! (Actually, he is in the Visitor's Center so if you go to Yosemite chances are you'll bump into him too.)

Next up, DD decided she'd try to catch Yosemite Falls. I think she did a pretty good job, and she didn't even get wet!

After hiking up to the base of Yosemite Falls (really not that far and it's all paved so I don't know that I'd actually call it a hike, but we can pretend), we decided to take a nap.

WAIT A MINUTE! That's not us! Just a couple of other people who probably couldn't find a campsite so decided to use a bench instead. And, they really were sound asleep. They even had pillows!

We didn't take a nap, but we did rest for a little while by riding around on the shuttle bus. We rode over to Curry Village where we ate our lunch and treated ourselves to some yummy ice cream. While we were at Curry Village, I decided to catch a bear.

There are a lot of bear in Yosemite. They cause such mischief looking for food that special "bear-proof" trash cans are installed. Well, I don't know if they are really bear-proof, but they are DEFINITELY DSis proof. She needed to throw out some trash and couldn't get the trash can open so she put it on the side and told us that the trash can didn't work. She even told DD that she'd give her a dollar if she could get it open. DD walked right over there, pulled the lid down, threw the trash in, walked back and collected her buck!

For an encore, she tried to hold Half Dome in the palm of her hand, but she wasn't quite tall enough.

I really thought she had grown a lot recently, as she's past me up and is over 5'6" now, but apparently this fireplace was made for Paul Bunyan or Goliath or someone of that stature because DD fit right inside. (This is one of the big fireplaces inside the Ahwahnee Hotel.)

The last stop of the day was a hike to Mirror Lake (aka Mirror Pond) at the base of Half Dome. It was hot! We were tired! Half way there, DSis and I bailed on DD and said we weren't going any further. We went down to the creek instead to put our feet in to cool off.

DD contemplates, "Should I go all the way in?"

DSis and I kept telling her, "Do it. You'll dry. It'll be fun."

So.....Did she or didn't she?

She did....

I tell you if I had a bathing suit on, I would have too! The water was very refreshing!

This brings me to the last photo of the trip.

That's DSis sitting on a rock. She said, "Hey, I'm in Yosemite sitting on a rock. Isn't that what people come to Yosemite for?"

NO, sorry DSis, the slogan is "Go CLIMB a rock." Not "sit" on a rock. But, you're very special and they might consider changing it just for you!