Yes, I finally have a life again so I can finish posting the Utah Road Trip pictures. Or maybe I did have a life and that's what kept me from posting and now I have no life so I have time to post. Either way....Here we go....
I had left you at this picture of my poor car.....
Funny, it still looks that way even though I've washed it many times since then. Not really! Now it's covered with bird poop because the silly birds like to sit on the side mirrors to look at themselves. I've resorted to putting plastic bags over the mirrors every time I park.
Now....back to the road trip...
Beautiful Ogden, Utah....It's situated right at the base of these mountains. This is the view from one of the schools.
Another view from another corner.....
And another.......
And another.....
A look at old downtown Ogden....
They have a dinosaur park there.....
but we only got to see it from the car because it was closed being Easter Sunday and all (imagine that).
There's also a train museum......
but it was closed too. We did get to explore all of the trains outside though...
I even got to drive one......
While we were in Utah, we bought a house......
With lots of room....
Overlooking a lake....
Wanna come visit? Too bad. Escrow fell through...Haha.
It's actually The Man's aunt and uncle's house.
And, guess what?
They weren't home so it was closed too. Are you sensing the theme of the day here? Don't try to sightsee on Easter Sunday in Utah.
Next day....On the road again...going back home
Yes, that is a squash buggy (or slug bug).
If you look really close in this next picture, you can see the Great Salt Lake. I can't believe we went all the way to Utah and this is all I got to see of it.
We did get to see the Salt Flats though....
And a lot more of this....
Well, that was it.....The Great Utah Road Trip from April 2010.
Stay tuned for more adventures....